Silver Sponsors


CAMEROON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, the incumbent telecommunications operator in Cameroon is over 25 years old.

Geographically, she leverages Cameroon’s strategic location to deliver telecom services globally. Infrastructurally, its robust 12,000km national backbone, multiple submarine Networks, a tier 3 design certified data centre as well as 03 satellite ground stations permits services leverage in voice, SMS and connectivity. As the sub-region’s telecom provider of choice and the digital hub of Central Africa, she envisions to become the reference digital hub of Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030. Its 7000km of subsea assets: SAIL, SAT-3/WACS/SAFE, WACS, and NCSCS submarine cables, directly links to terrestrial infrastructures for easy interconnection with neighbouring countries.

WE-Africa-NA (bridging Africa West-to-East)– a digital corridor which complements the SAIL, provides the shortest path linking LATAM to MENA.

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