Panel: Overcoming the Challenge of Credit Access in the Fintech Industry

Panel: Overcoming the Challenge of Credit Access in the Fintech Industry

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 3:10 PM to 3:50 PM · 40 min. (Africa/Johannesburg)
Pioneer Tech & Fintech Stage, Hall 5, CTICC 2
AfricaTech: Fintech
Premium & VIP badges only


Access to credit and other financial products is still a challenge for the majority of Africans with only 34% of adults in Sub-Saharan Africa having access to a formal credit product. This makes it difficult to start businesses, invest ineducation, and improve living standards.

  • Leveraging Data: Examining how fintechs are utilising technology and alternative data sources like mobile phone usage data and social media data to assess credit risk.
  • Microfinance: How are SMEs leveraging Microfinance institutions to gain access to loans? Assessing the impact of microfinance on the informal sector in Africa, fostering economic growth and entrepreneurship.

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